Welcome to CrownCapGal.net!

This is my personal bottle cap collection website. It features my collection, trade caps, my collector card, useful links, my mystery caps, Wanted caps, Trade Partners History, my storage system and more!

I'm always looking for other collectors to trade with so if you are interested please visit my trade page and get in contact with me!

I will be updating my site constantly with new material and new trades. Please see below for updates.

Happy Collecting!

Free counters!


October 27th, 2017
I am revamping my website after taking a one year hiatus so stay tuned for awesome changes!

November 11th, 2015

February 2nd, 2015
I will not be doing any more trades for awhile. If I decide to resume then this will be posted but I am taking a break from trading until further notice. Thank You.

July 22nd, 2014
I have resumed trading, send me your scans or websites if you are interested in trading! thanks!

January 9th, 2014
I will not be trading for awhile. Will advise when I am to resume trading.
I apologize for any inconveniences.

November 14th, 2013
Not doing any more trades until the new year. Happy Holidays to all!

August 15th, 2013

1/2 way done Germany collections page. more to come soon. taking a break from trading while I organize my website and my current new caps.

July 4th, 2013
Revamping Collections pages to feature information as well as a picture. So far 43 countries have been completed.

July 3rd, 2013
All my mystery caps have been added to the Mystery Caps page, any help is appreciated to help me identify these caps.

April 2nd, 2020
Hello fellow collectors! I haven't retired from trading and collecting simply focusing on other interests and projects for the time being. I will likely return in 2021! I wish you all health during this difficult time with the COVID-19 virus.

September 24th, 2018
Thank you all for your patience! I am made several updates to my website:

-Links (New format and revised links have been added with useful search engines and collector websites)
-Trade Caps and Coasters (New format, revised scans of both caps and coasters now available for viewing which means I am now available to ACCEPT TRADES again!
-Collector Card (Revised Information added)
-Sets (New Sets added)

-Mystery Caps (Revised list of caps that need to be identified)

-Wanted Caps (Revised list of caps that I want)
-Caps for Sale (Caps have been added- Bulk quantities also available for some caps!)